Christopher N. Lawrence, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

My teaching interests lie in the areas of American and comparative political behavior (the study of the political actions of individuals and groups in society, including voting, public opinion, and campaigns and elections), political institutions (government structures and laws, including the legislative and judicial branches of government), and those aspects of politics that have characteristics associated with both institutions and behavior, such as political parties and interest groups.

I also enjoy teaching courses in research methods (the process of social scientific research using primary and secondary sources) and quantitative political analysis, and working with students on independent research projects.

Courses in 2009–10

I am scheduled to teach the following courses at Texas A&M International University during the 2009–10 academic year:

Fall 2010 (preliminary)

Summer 2010 (preliminary)

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Summer (II) 2009

Previous Courses

Other undergraduate courses taught at TAMIU, Saint Louis University, Tulane University, Duke University, Millsaps College, and/or the University of Mississippi include:

Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Courses

I have also served on honors thesis committees at Millsaps College and Tulane University.

Syllabi for All Courses Taught

All of these syllabi are in Adobe PDF format. Generally speaking, the most recently-taught version of a syllabus appears here; earlier syllabi are available upon request.

Chris Lawrence <> (09 Mar 2010 at 18:46 CST)